Call for volunteers – Weekend of 10/31-11/1


Candidates Potter (Area 2) and Hori-Garcia (Area 3) have the following opportunies available. Please reach out to them via the information provided below.

Don’t forget to vote if you can do so safely.
Thanks and be well,
Shawn Pullum
Public Relations, CSEA 470

Schileen Potter (Area 2)

“We are doing a sign waving campaign on Sunday Nov 1 @ 11am, meeting at the Safeway parking lot on Constitution & Independence. It will be a great way to get the message out one last time before Tuesday. We will provide the signs we just need the people.”


Jeanne Hori-Garcia (Area 3)

“I just need two more volunteers to leave door hangers at high propensity neighborhoods. It should not take too long until the door hangers are gone.If you know anyone who would like to spend Saturday morning [10/31] leaving door hangers [please reach out to Jeanne.]”
